Home » Retargeting And Remarketing
Remarketing for lawyers is an amazing tactic for law firms to use as a marketing strategy. This is a form of digital marketing which allows legal websites to target ads to visitors who have been to their websites or preformed an action on their site in the past. While visiting these sites again, visitors will see the targeted ads to help entice them to return for more since your brand will remain in the forefront of their minds.
As an example, imagine you are shopping for new shoes on a popular shoe retailers website. As you browse the site, you find out that they are sold out of the color in which you are interested. As a result, you leave the site to visit a competitor.
A day or two later, you go online and immediately notice ads for the same shoes you were looking for and in your size and choice of colors. You go back to the website and purchase the shoes. That’s how remarketing works to bring visitors back to make a purchase.
Law firms are now adopting this approach to reach previous visitors to their sites. Continue reading to find out if remarketing for lawyers should be added to your marketing campaigns.
Remarketing for lawyers works by using cookies which are small files stored on user computers. These are designed to capture and contain small amounts of data related to particular clients and the websites they visit. This data is accessed by the client’s computer or the web server.
Remarketing defines specific criteria which visitors must meet. Such criteria might be visiting certain links or web pages on the website. Once this happens, a cookie is placed on the visitor’s browser. That same cookie ID must also be on your remarketing list.
Remarketing takes the form of advertisement that enables websites to display ads targeted toward those who have previously visited their sites.
Once visitors leave the site, they continue seeing banner or text ads by way of Google’s display network. When creating your ads, it is possible to personalize the duration and frequency of those displays to prevent visitors from becoming weary of seeing them.
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